Source code for

from typing import Optional, Dict

import math
import numpy as np

from banditpylib import argmax_or_min_tuple
from banditpylib.arms import PseudoArm
from banditpylib.data_pb2 import Context, Actions, Feedback
from .utils import MABFixedBudgetBAILearner

[docs]class SH(MABFixedBudgetBAILearner): """Sequential halving policy :cite:`karnin2013almost` Eliminate half of the remaining arms in each round. :param int arm_num: number of arms :param int budget: total number of pulls :param int threshold: do uniform sampling when the number of arms left is no greater than this number :param Optional[str] name: alias name """ def __init__(self, arm_num: int, budget: int, threshold: int = 2, name: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(arm_num=arm_num, budget=budget, name=name) if threshold < 2: raise ValueError('Thredhold is expected at least 2. Got %d.' % threshold) self.__threshold = threshold if budget < (arm_num * math.ceil(math.log(self.arm_num, 2))): raise ValueError( 'Budget is expected at least %d. Got %d.' % ((arm_num * math.ceil(math.log(self.arm_num, 2))), budget)) def _name(self) -> str: return 'sh'
[docs] def reset(self): self.__active_arms: Dict[int, PseudoArm] = dict() for arm_id in range(self.arm_num): self.__active_arms[arm_id] = PseudoArm() self.__budget_left = self.budget self.__best_arm = None self.__total_rounds = math.ceil(math.log(self.arm_num, 2)) # Current round # self.__round = 1 self.__stop = False
[docs] def actions(self, context: Context) -> Actions: del context actions = Actions() if self.__stop: return actions if len(self.__active_arms) <= self.__threshold: # Uniform sampling pulls = np.random.multinomial(self.__budget_left, np.ones(len(self.__active_arms)) / len(self.__active_arms), size=1)[0] i = 0 for arm_id in self.__active_arms: arm_pull = actions.arm_pulls.add() = arm_id arm_pull.times = pulls[i] i = i + 1 self.__stop = True else: # Pulls assigned to each arm pulls = math.floor(self.budget / (len(self.__active_arms) * self.__total_rounds)) for arm_id in self.__active_arms: arm_pull = actions.arm_pulls.add() = arm_id arm_pull.times = pulls return actions
[docs] def update(self, feedback: Feedback): for arm_feedback in feedback.arm_feedbacks: self.__active_arms[].update( np.array(arm_feedback.rewards)) self.__budget_left -= len(arm_feedback.rewards) if self.__stop: self.__best_arm = argmax_or_min_tuple([ (arm.em_mean, arm_id) for arm_id, arm in self.__active_arms.items() ]) else: # Remove half of the arms with the worst empirical means remaining_arms = sorted( self.__active_arms.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].em_mean, reverse=True)[:math.ceil(len(self.__active_arms) / 2)] self.__active_arms = dict((x, PseudoArm()) for x, _ in remaining_arms)
# self.__round += 1 @property def best_arm(self) -> int: if self.__best_arm is None: raise Exception('I don\'t have an answer yet!') return self.__best_arm