Source code for banditpylib.learners.mab_fbbai_learner.utils

from abc import abstractmethod

from typing import Optional, Union, List

from banditpylib.bandits import MultiArmedBandit
from banditpylib.data_pb2 import Arm
from banditpylib.learners import SinglePlayerLearner, Goal, IdentifyBestArm

[docs]class MABFixedBudgetBAILearner(SinglePlayerLearner): """Abstract class for best-arm identification learners playing with the ordinary multi-armed bandit This kind of learners aim to identify the best arm with fixed budget. :param int arm_num: number of arms :param int budget: total number of pulls :param Optional[str] name: alias name """ def __init__(self, arm_num: int, budget: int, name: Optional[str]): super().__init__(name) if arm_num <= 1: raise ValueError('Number of arms is expected at least 2. Got %d.' % arm_num) self.__arm_num = arm_num if budget < arm_num: raise ValueError('Budget is expected at least %d. Got %d.' % (self.__arm_num, budget)) self.__budget = budget @property def running_environment(self) -> Union[type, List[type]]: return MultiArmedBandit @property def arm_num(self) -> int: """Number of arms""" return self.__arm_num @property def budget(self) -> int: """Budget of the learner""" return self.__budget @property @abstractmethod def best_arm(self) -> int: """Index of the best arm identified by the learner""" @property def goal(self) -> Goal: arm = Arm() = self.best_arm return IdentifyBestArm(best_arm=arm)