Source code for banditpylib.protocols.single_player_protocol

from typing import List, cast

import numpy as np

from absl import logging

from banditpylib.bandits import Bandit
from banditpylib.data_pb2 import Trial
from banditpylib.learners import Learner, SinglePlayerLearner
from .utils import Protocol

[docs]class SinglePlayerProtocol(Protocol): """Single player protocol This class defines the communication protocol for the ordinary single-player game. The game runs in rounds and during each round, the protocol runs the following steps in sequence: * fetch the state of the bandit environment and ask the learner for actions; * send the actions to the bandit environment for execution; * update the learner with the feedback of the bandit environment. The game runs until one of the following two stopping conditions is satisfied: * no actions are returned by the learner; * total number of actions achieve `horizon`. :param Bandit bandit: bandit environment :param List[SinglePlayerLearner] learners: learners to be compared with .. note:: During a round, a learner may want to perform multiple actions, which is so-called batched learner. """ def __init__(self, bandit: Bandit, learners: List[SinglePlayerLearner]): super().__init__(bandit=bandit, learners=cast(List[Learner], learners)) @property def name(self) -> str: return 'single_player_protocol' def _one_trial(self, random_seed: int) -> bytes: if self._debug: logging.set_verbosity(logging.DEBUG) np.random.seed(random_seed) # Reset the bandit environment and the learner self._bandit.reset() current_learner = cast(SinglePlayerLearner, self._current_learner) current_learner.reset() trial = Trial() trial.bandit = trial.learner = rounds = 0 # Number of actions the learner has made total_actions = 0 def add_result(): result = trial.results.add() result.rounds = rounds result.total_actions = total_actions result.regret = self._bandit.regret(current_learner.goal) while total_actions < self._horizon: actions = current_learner.actions(self._bandit.context) # Stop the game if no actions are returned by the learner if not actions.arm_pulls: break # Record intermediate regrets if rounds in self._intermediate_horizons: add_result() feedback = self._bandit.feed(actions) current_learner.update(feedback) for arm_pull in actions.arm_pulls: total_actions += arm_pull.times rounds += 1 # Record final regret add_result() return trial.SerializeToString()