Source code for banditpylib.utils

from typing import List, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import google.protobuf.json_format as json_format
from google.protobuf.internal.decoder import _DecodeVarint32  # type: ignore

from banditpylib.data_pb2 import Trial

[docs]def argmax_or_min(values: List[float], find_min: bool = False) -> int: """Find index with the largest or smallest value Args: values: a list of values find_min: whether to select smallest value Returns: index with the largest or smallest value. When there is a tie, randomly output one of the indexes. """ extremum = min(values) if find_min else max(values) indexes = [index for index, value in enumerate(values) if value == extremum] return np.random.choice(indexes)
[docs]def argmax_or_min_tuple(values: List[Tuple[float, int]], find_min: bool = False) -> int: """Find the second element of the tuple with the largest or smallest value Args: values: a list of tuples find_min: whether to select smallest value Returns: the second element of the tuple with the largest or smallest value. When there is a tie, randomly output one of them. """ extremum = min([value for value, _ in values]) if find_min else max( [value for value, _ in values]) indexes = [index for (value, index) in values if value == extremum] return np.random.choice(indexes)
[docs]def parse_trials_from_bytes(data: bytes) -> List[Trial]: """Parse trials from bytes Args: data: bytes data Returns: trial protobuf messages """ trials = [] next_pos, pos = 0, 0 while pos < len(data): trial = Trial() next_pos, pos = _DecodeVarint32(data, pos) trial.ParseFromString(data[pos:pos + next_pos]) # Proceed to next message pos += next_pos trials.append(trial) return trials
[docs]def trials_to_dataframe(filename: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read bytes file storing trials and transform to pandas DataFrame Args: filename: file name Returns: pandas dataframe """ with open(filename, 'rb') as f: data = [] trials = parse_trials_from_bytes( for trial in trials: for result in trial.results: tmp_dict = json_format.MessageToDict( result, including_default_value_fields=True, preserving_proto_field_name=True) tmp_dict['bandit'] = trial.bandit tmp_dict['learner'] = trial.learner data.append(tmp_dict) data_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) return data_df