Source code for banditpylib.learners.mab_learner.softmax

from typing import Optional

import math

import numpy as np

from banditpylib.arms import PseudoArm
from banditpylib.data_pb2 import Context, Actions, Feedback
from .utils import MABLearner

[docs]class Softmax(MABLearner): r"""Softmax policy At time :math:`t`, sample arm :math:`i` to play with sampling weight .. math:: \exp\left( \bar{\mu}_i(t) / \gamma \right) where :math:`\gamma` is a parameter to control how much exploration we want. :param int arm_num: number of arms :param float gamma: gamma :param Optional[str] name: alias name .. note:: When :math:`\gamma` approaches 0, the learner will have an increasing probability to select the arm with the maximum empirical mean rewards. When :math:`\gamma` approaches to infinity, the policy of the learner tends to become uniform sampling. """ def __init__(self, arm_num: int, gamma: float = 1.0, name: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(arm_num=arm_num, name=name) if gamma <= 0: raise ValueError('Gamma is expected greater than 0. Got %.2f.' % gamma) self.__gamma = gamma def _name(self) -> str: return 'softmax'
[docs] def reset(self): self.__pseudo_arms = [PseudoArm() for arm_id in range(self.arm_num)] # Current time step self.__time = 1
[docs] def actions(self, context: Context) -> Actions: del context actions = Actions() arm_pull = actions.arm_pulls.add() if self.__time <= self.arm_num: = self.__time - 1 else: weights = np.array([ math.exp(self.__pseudo_arms[arm_id].em_mean / self.__gamma) for arm_id in range(self.arm_num) ]) = np.random.choice( self.arm_num, 1, p=[weight / sum(weights) for weight in weights])[0] arm_pull.times = 1 return actions
[docs] def update(self, feedback: Feedback): arm_feedback = feedback.arm_feedbacks[0] self.__pseudo_arms[].update( np.array(arm_feedback.rewards)) self.__time += 1